the title says it all. I'm making a website. It's basically just a huge blurb. looks totally awesome so far, now I just need to put it together with dreamweaver, then put it through a domain... and finish some of the images. won't be finished completely till everyone on this list takes the quiz (for a pic of them). If they never post the results, I'll have to guess it. if you aren't on my list, I either already have you, forgot you, or I don't know you. (xxxMike, don't worry, I have you). reason why? I can not draw humans.... well.
edit: also, I must point out that if you get human tell me the next one down, if there is a species that has very similar score, tell me, that would be a hybrid, if you get a taur, just tell me the animal half, and question #4 is full of fail. has something to do with Chakats.
and hellbound
i remember that test.