View Profile furrysowhat
name's sowhat, furrysowhat *laughs at lame James Bond reference*. I spend a lot of time drawing my so called "art", and someday hope to animate it. I'm looking for people to draw, so feel free to ask on my blog. don't pm me.

Age 30, Male

student, NGer


directly behind you

Joined on 8/6/09

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1,620 / 1,880
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furrysowhat's News

Posted by furrysowhat - January 18th, 2010

Well, good bye furrysowhat, hello folf182

Posted by furrysowhat - January 17th, 2010

Reason why? Well, this thing was made during my n00b phase. I mean "furry so what", good god. Sounds like I'm, like, eight years old! Also, I can't reveiw crap! But don't worry, I'll have the cortesy of giving you a link to my new account later. Trying to learn something on the guitar now.

Posted by furrysowhat - January 16th, 2010

Hit me with your best shot!
I'm mourning the loss of my weighted companion cube. R.I.P.

Posted by furrysowhat - January 13th, 2010

*jumps out of a big ass cake* today... or tomorrow, depending on when you read this, is my birth day! just felt like sharing... now excuse me, I got to get the icing out of my ass. (not me btw)
edit: okay, here's how my day went, I went to school, came back home, went to amc to see "youth in revolt" (very funny btw), then I came back home, and I opened my gifts (I'm not having my birthday party today, btw, I'm having it Saturday) they were a radio/clock/iPhone charger, the game "portal", the link to make my own companion cube, and... uh, don't hate me for this, front row seats to Gabriel Iglesias's comedy tour in Orlando, and I will most likely be on television :D

mai birthday!!!

Posted by furrysowhat - January 10th, 2010

this made me say "what the hell". I was on newgrounds, minding my own business, when someone posted a link to a website on a blog. I clicked it, then all of a sudden, a voice came on on my laptop and said "Hey everybody! I'm watching gay pornos!" (didn't really do anything to embarrass me, since I was home alone) and started moving everything around so I couldn't exit out of it, finally, I did, and it left my computer with 89 viruses, so I moved them all to the virus vault (succeeded btw), and was I finished? no. as I was about to delete the viruses, I found out they gained the ability to reproduce amongst themselves, cause it went from 89, to 589,753,264. so basically, I stopped the virus orgy from going all over my computer before it did anything really bad, thank you Jebus. I deleted the virus colony before it made my system crash in the vault, and then a pop-up came on and called me a bully, then said that the hacker had a family to feed and he needed my credit card (which I don't even have). after that, I scanned the computer again to be safe and saw just one, surprisingly. I deleted the virus, named "youasshole<insert bunch of random numbers here>.exe" and then it shut down. I restarted it and scanned again, just again as protocol dictates, and that was it, done. I'm now free!

also, these people still need to take the quiz. the link for it is in my last post:
sniperleader1337 (COMPLETED)
and hellbound

Posted by furrysowhat - January 8th, 2010

the title says it all. I'm making a website. It's basically just a huge blurb. looks totally awesome so far, now I just need to put it together with dreamweaver, then put it through a domain... and finish some of the images. won't be finished completely till everyone on this list takes the quiz (for a pic of them). If they never post the results, I'll have to guess it. if you aren't on my list, I either already have you, forgot you, or I don't know you. (xxxMike, don't worry, I have you). reason why? I can not draw humans.... well.
edit: also, I must point out that if you get human tell me the next one down, if there is a species that has very similar score, tell me, that would be a hybrid, if you get a taur, just tell me the animal half, and question #4 is full of fail. has something to do with Chakats.
and hellbound

making a website

Posted by furrysowhat - January 5th, 2010

comeing up with jokes, characters, ideas, and drawings for a flash cartoon every two seconds, and not being able to actually ANIMATE IT! I already made a detailed blueprint drawing for a basic character that could last about 19 episodes. DAMN YOU POWERS THAT BE!

Posted by furrysowhat - January 4th, 2010

anyone wanna meet with me on xbox live? I have plenty of games.

Posted by furrysowhat - January 3rd, 2010

no, no one said anything "heart breaking" on my art (I'm not a little bitch, bastard is more my level), but I have devised the perfect way to get a good whistle. here's how it works: type in furry, anthro, anything furry related, then search random furry pics on newgrounds. chances are, there is an abusive message on every one. why am I telling you this? because I'll get whistle points faster >:3. I can honestly say that I <3 trolls now.... but seriously keep doing it trolls, moar benefits for me :D
pic unrelated

wanna get whistle points?

Posted by furrysowhat - January 2nd, 2010

time for you all to meet Barry! He is the most insane person on the planet, and for some reason, I got the Idea of his story while watching the matrix (I'm thinking wtf too) anyway, enjoi it or else you'll make him cry (and that takes hours for him to stop).
edit: wow, I just realized that the cat looks exactly like Barry
edit: just to clarify, I drew barry.... could you check it out?
