View Profile furrysowhat
name's sowhat, furrysowhat *laughs at lame James Bond reference*. I spend a lot of time drawing my so called "art", and someday hope to animate it. I'm looking for people to draw, so feel free to ask on my blog. don't pm me.

Age 30, Male

student, NGer


directly behind you

Joined on 8/6/09

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furrysowhat's News

Posted by furrysowhat - January 2nd, 2010

finished with the witch. I decided to make a character. oh and the only thing I'll tell you about him is thatis that he's very insane.... and his name is Barry... guess I'll start on that now.


Posted by furrysowhat - December 31st, 2009

I'm gonna work on my witch drawing now...... this post seems too much like something on twitter, so here are some random vids
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nPeTfe FALk
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvepYYN jfBk
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFK_XuV qsCQ

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enjoy the witch comic

lights off!

Posted by furrysowhat - December 31st, 2009

almost done! just have to send the drawing through photoshop! after this, I'm probably gonna draw a witch (...... from left 4 dead). here's something unrelated as usual :3


Posted by furrysowhat - December 30th, 2009

I'm deaf now.... not really, but still, OWCH!!!! I've been shot before (on the foot with a rifle), and I can honestly say that the screamer was more painful. oh, and a screamer is a spam flash that starts off quiet (gets you to turn up the speakers and lean in), then delivers the loudest, most high-pitched sound possible. also known as "ear rape" oh and bout' my last post, sorry, deathcross, i don't have it up yet. Alex was breathing down my neck since Monday.
picture unrelated

saw my first screamer

Posted by furrysowhat - December 27th, 2009

I just realized that all my drawings have been about me... soooo........ anyone want me to draw them? I have to warn you though, I suck at drawing humans, so.... I'd recommend taking this quiz.... oh, if you get a taur, just tell me what the animal half is, why they have that, I'll never know or care. and if there is a animal below the top with a difference of 2% or less, tell me that too. It's actually kinda interesting.
question number 4 is wtf,
picture unrelated

self obsorbed?

Posted by furrysowhat - December 25th, 2009

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I have decided to take inventory here, so here ya go!:
12 shirts from vineyard vines
left 4 dead 1 & 2
Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time (... what?!)
guitar amp
flat screen TV
back-lit guitar wall display
video camera
2 scary story books
the hangover DVD
super Mario bros wii
75$ at best buy
25$ in cash
50$ at target
15$ at iTunes

merry Christmas ^-^

merry christmas

Posted by furrysowhat - December 22nd, 2009

During my trip to my grandparents, I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos on my phone, and I couldn't help but type in "furry" in the search engine. Of course, I found the furry videos of furries having rave parties, music was pretty cool, but I also found the trillions of laughable trolling videos. Some of which made no sense (I mean, literally, no sense), and some were from someone who actually had a brain. All of those were made from a troll by the name of ultraforge. So, since my web-cam is crap, I decided to explain why he's wrong via blog. Let's begin with furries and meme's:

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Alright, first off, let me explain how memes work. Somebody either comes up with a weird line from a TV show, or comes up with the most random thing possible and then makes a video on it and shows why it's funny. This usually involves the weirdest possible crap, and occasionally involves other memes, then It grows like a weed. All the while, the person who came up with it becomes less and less known. Eventually (granted its funny enough) it spreads to online groups, and soon, everyone (except newbs) uses them. You'd be the biggest idiot to think furries wouldn't use them too. That also might be the reason why trolls love the memes. Let's face it; the only meme trolls are known for is "successful troll is successful", which seems to be the troll's death cry as they get PWN'd by everyone else. Not only that, but furries and anti-trolls have edited it to stuff like "fail troll is fail", "obvious troll is obvious" and "pathetic troll is pathetic" similar to what Ultraforge did. Not to mention those memes Ultraforge mentioned aren't even memes. The first one is just a mascot (nothing more, nothing less), the second one is just... uhh.... Well, a meme I guess, but not all of us like it. A sizable portion of the fandom comes from Japan, which explains the caramel-whatever, and the last one is a song (which I bet he didn't even know):

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Funny in my opinion, but it's not a meme. Anyway, you can't really license a meme to a group unless the meme is about the group, or it's obvious it came from the group
Next topic, why we compare trolls to Nazis:

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I really don't like how he said the n word, but he did. and apparently, he also doesn't look at his own group's videos. Did we say anything about massive furry slaughters? How about any furries being rounded up and sent into a furnace? Of course not, the trolls did though:

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Anyway, a Nazi, on the internet, is described as a person who hates a large group (in this case, the furry fandom) and would either kill them in the most terrible way possible, or make some pretty sick stuff, like the last video I have shown. That pretty much explains why we call them Nazis, because some trolls do THAT. Hell, they do the same thing to us as well. We get off calling them Nazis, they get off calling us pedophiles. Face it Ultraforge, the trolls are just as bad as us. Anything a furry has done, A troll probably did it too. Come to think of it, I've seen a couple of Nazi fur pictures on the internet, so they are calling us pedo-Nazis. To the trolls who don't do that, well, they're just trolls to me, trolls who can actually say something intelligent or just furfag it. however, some furries do compare the fandom's troubles to the holocaust. if you are one of these furries, grow some balls. nobody can kill you via internet.
This video isn't Ultraforge's but it's so stupid, I simply must post it:

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Yes, it's all true! We all plan on defying every human's perspective and forcing every flesh bag to become furries and eventually, infect the whole world! MHUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Okay, seriously, we can't force you to like the fandom. That's about as hard as trying to get everyone to agree on a religion, it can't be done. If your children become furries, it's just there interest, doesn't have to be pornographic. It would be your fault anyway for letting the child watch porn in the first place. Besides, you can't kill us over the internet, tard. And if you somehow got everyone to think like that (impossible), we'd still talk amongst ourselves via furaffinity, deviant art, ect. Anyway, I think I can say this to any troll out there: If you don't want to see us there is a simple method to avoid us, listen carefully, you see that search engine at the top right of the screen? All you have to do is resist typing in "yiff", "furry", or "anthro" in there. Simple! If you found yiff on a user page, click the "back" button at the top left of the screen. If you forgot which way "left" and "right" are, this way <-- is left, this way --> is right. follow those two rules, and then we'll be just fine. No need to make a warning or something over dramatic. It would actually encourage me to try to "infect" other people, if it wasn't impossible. picture relevant.
Edit: merry Christmas, newgrounds!

troll rant

Posted by furrysowhat - December 19th, 2009

I'm gonna be ranting on a dude named ultraforge Tuesday. The reason I'm not doing it now is because my grandparents don't have wifi and it's very long and boring to type it up on my phone's 3G. Why? Because he has questions, and since no one has done it yet, I can't resist. Who's ultraforge? Look him up on urban dictionary. Where can I find him? YouTube. He's been contradicting himself ever since his first video, and I'm gonna show you how. (if you don't have something nice to say, save it till the actual thing is up)

Posted by furrysowhat - December 15th, 2009

has anyone seen this? (who hasn't) It's not something that will hack you, it's an actual mmorpg. anywayz, tomarrow is the LAST day for exams. I'm sick of them already. pic unrelated
edit: done :D spanish was the hardest for me. (and thats saying something since biology is on the list of exams I had to take)


Posted by furrysowhat - December 14th, 2009

it has mi famle in itz. anyway, multiple things went wrong with it, so keep that in mind. also, freaking exams, cant wait till I leave for NC. picture incredibly unrelated

new artz